Tuesday, 21 July 2015

How to Reduce Utility Bills of Your Home

Traditional home contractor use some old methods for the insulation of new homes. After completing the construction process some contractor use traditional method for insulation. They install above ceiling insulation and use attic ventilation to reduce or completely remove the moisture present in the building. With attic ventilation unfiltered air move inside the roof and dust in the air stuck in attic cause the mess over the insulation. This dust and moisture collectively affect the R-value of the cellulose or fiberglass material used as insulation. Worms or insects occupy the space and case the blockage of attic and because of the blockage of the attic. Because of the blockage of attic temperature of that place may fall or rise to extreme cause the damage to things placed on that specific place.

The new idea for the insulation of the spry foam is to install it all over the home. This makes an envelope completely over the home. Thus the HVAC and duct are in the controlled environment and this improves the performance of the HVAC. Spray foam insulation stop the leakage of heat or cold from the building. This reduces the workload for the HVAC systems and helps to maintain the internal temperature.

But for the traditional contractor it is a difficult to follow because they somehow still follow the concept don’t build a home too tight. They think that it is important to leave the space for air to come in but for the spray foam industry this is a standard to insulate the home completely leave the ventilation work for the heat exchanger that do the task of filtering the air first and after that cooled or warmed the air. Fresh air comes in through the HVAC system.

According to experts of spray foam insulation in Winnipeg that installation of spray foam properly help to reduce the utility bills 60% to 70% as compare to the home with no spray foam insulation. More about spray foam insulation services in Winnipeg visit please at: https://sprayfoaminsulationinwinnipeg.wordpress.com